Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Post 7: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

1) This is a photograph of the camera I used for my filming; all scenes were filmed with the camera shown.
2) Throughout the project we used “Blogger” to show our course work, the website enables us to upload pictures, videos and textual analysis of the work we covered. Using blogger benefits both us and teachers as they are able to mark our work scheme online.
3) 3 is a photograph of the editing suit we used throughout the whole project. On the editing suite we used a specific program to edit and finalise our project. The program used allowed us to successfully export our work and capture our filming.
4) The headphones were used to listen to my project, by using headphones this ensured I could hear the sound of my film properly and could make edits sufficiently.
5) I used the scanner to scan on my story boards and logging document to demonstrate them onto my blogger.
6) This is a photograph of the mini hand held cameras, we used these to film our audience feedback. Once the feedback was filmed we could upload the posts straight to blogger and evaluate them on there.

Before studying for media I had no idea how to use the technology handed to me, I was clueless. After many lessons I know can confidently say I know how to use a camera and can begin to edit my footage. I have developed knowledge on how the variety of shots available when filming and can correctly identify a jump cut and crossing the 180 degree line.

1) The first image is of the DVD “Mean Girls” I used Mean Girls to work out timings for the opening sequence. I analysed the titles they used and at what times throughout the project they appeared to use them. They worked as a clear guideline for my opening sequence.
2) The second image is of a USB memory stick, I often used this to transfer my work from the school computer to my laptop at home. This enabled me to complete my work well before the deadline.
3) The third image is a print screen of youtube. I used youtube a lot whilst analysing different films opening sequences as it enabled me to watch the titles and pause when necessary. The main problem is that we are unable to use youtube on the school computers so I had to continue my studies at home.
4) The penultimate image is a screen grab from the website “Unsigned band webs” we used this website to query for music requests to suit the opening sequence of our films
5) The final image is of “Google”. Throughout the whole project google was very helpful as we could search anything to assist our studies. We were often linked to Wikipedia or Ask Jeeves allowing us to eventually gain the correct information.

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